April 1, 2002:
A totally new website layout to usher in the newest chapter of Dark Sun Rising. Oh, and Chapter 5 uploaded. Page 3 is in poor quality, but that should be fixed sometime soon.

March 20, 2002:
New entry page and fan art from Twin Suns posted online.

February 19, 2002:
We're still alive! Craig's had some time away from the FanForce comic (as he stated a while back on FanForce NSW), but now he's back working on Chapter 5 of Dark Sun Rising. To tide the audience over, he's made up two new character bios and two posters. Enjoy!

December 10, 2001:
Fan art has been updated with a submission from Jeni. Looking good!

December 5, 2001:
Another Making FanForce webumentary is online. "A Night To Build A Page" is all about the change a page from one of Craig's comics goes through, from the first pencil strokes to posting it on this site.

December 4, 2001:
Chapter 4 of Dark Sun Rising is online! Craig is most excited about this one, and with an ending you won't forget, it'll get you all geared up too. The entire site has also gone through a change. The appearance is still the same, but the layout has been slightly altered. Hope you all like it!